Administrative and Decentralization Competition in Beirut

As MDA go on with its Student's awareness campaign for administrative decentralization and municipalities, the campaign moves now from being with University students during the "Administrative Decentralization and Municipalities" seminar that took place on December 10th, 2010 in Phoenicia Hotel to BAC I and II students in Beirut public and private schools.

For that, it is MDA's pleasure to announce the launch of this campaign in the Municipalities and Schools Forum and which is in Collaboration with the Minister of Education and Higher Education Professor Hassan Diab. Event shall be held on 30th of May 2012 at Unesco Palace.

This forum will join Municipalities, public and private schools, deputies, NGO's in Beirut.

• The Competition:

The Student's Campaign will allow Grade 11 and Grade 12 students to participate in a competition aiming to raise awareness about Administrative decentralization and its relationship with municipalities in Beirut.

All students from Beirut public and private schools shall participate in this competition and get to know more about administrative decentralization.

One question will be at the core of our competition as follows:

Subject: What is your personal perception towards administrative decentralization and its implementation in Lebanon aiming for local development and culture of democracy including:
1. The concept of administrative decentralization and its implementing mechanism.
2. The relation between Municipal System and Administrative Decentralization System.
Students will compete to give in the best research papers that include, in large extent, their personal input.

We will distribute competition fliers to every student attending Beirut Public and private schools.

Students will receive prizes on their distinguished papers. The first prize winner student will get - 750,000 LBP, the second prize winner student will get - 500,000 LBP and the third prize winner student will get a medal.

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